Keep it Simple COACH™


Keep it Simple COACH   On-line

establishes a web presence

May 22, 2000

Ottawa, ON -- Keep it Simple COACH  established a web presence today with the registration of "Thanks to our ISP at and design by neuf web consultant, we are pleased to provide a business snapshot and product overview for people on-line," said Brenda Pastorek, President of ChaBri.

Keep it Simple COACH is a coaching philosophy and commitment to providing tools to do the job by founder Peter Pastorek, an internationally known coach and player for Canada in the sport of Team Handball. Peter's sport career spans three plus decades in athletics, basketball, hockey, team handball, skiing, and soccer. "If I can share something with a player or coach that will enhance their experience in whatever sport they are involved in I feel I would have done my job," said Mr. Pastorek who wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to promoting opportunities for people in sport!

"I share Peter's passion to provide novice coaches with tools that will allow them to communicate more effectively with our future elite, while having the professional coaches enhance their presentation with the same tool," said Brenda Pastorek. 

"It was high point to see the initial books being delivered and the positive reaction received from the coaches as we finally realized the fruits of our labor from the past couple of years," noted Mr. Pastorek.

These coaching tools are available on-line at this site, through marketing agreements with a number of associations, and through a dealer net work in the future.

"These are great! I think they are the single most cost effective, practical, and useful coaching tools I have ever seen in all the years that I have been involved with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)," said Tim Robinson, past Director of the 3M National Coaching Certification Program.

Check out the products page for more information or to contact us with respect to orders.


828 Acadian Gardens, Orleans, ON, Canada K1C 2V6 Tel: 613-837-3858 Fax: 613-837-4487